We may have a new development in the Tupac Shakur murder investigation after 27 years [UPDATED 9/29/2023]

  This is the last photograph taken of Tupac Shakur about an hour before he was gunned down in Las Vegas in a drive-by shooting. He would die in the hospital a few days later. Shakur, who was 26 years old was a passenger in the car. The driver, Suger Knight–yes, THAT Suger Knight–was not […]

New Edition: Born and Bred in Boston

  …Before there was New Kids on the Block, there was New Edition. Formed in 1978, the group was comprised of Bobby Brown, Michael Bivins, and Ricky Bell though they were later joined by Ralph Tresvant (lead singer) and then Ronnie DeVoe after they signed their first recording contractin 1981. The first song after signing? […]

Family Sitcoms need to come back to Prime Time TV

Who could have imagined the late 1990s would have been the end of the Family Sitcom. We are in an age where “Reality” TV, hour-long dramas and docu-dramas dominate all the networks. While I would normally place all the blame on the networks for taking the easy road–it actually costs much less to shoot “Reality” […]