As Hip Hop turns 50 this year, I think the time has come for a once popular subgenre to make its return

The Hip Hip culture was created in the Bronx in 1973 but as a concept, Hip Hop and more specifically Rap can be traced back hundreds of years in West Africa. Griots (prounced “gree-ots”) were storytellers, loremasters and the keepers of their peoples’ histories. While Europe and most of the Asian continent had developed their […]

8 Mile 20 Years Later has aged QUITE well

  Circa 2002, a then up and coming rapper named Eminem aka Slim Shady–real name Marshall Mathers–had solidified himself as an American Rap Icon. Ths movie tells a fictionalized story of his life getting into the Underground Hip Hop scene. The majority of the movie is a bit of a yawnfest–by design–as the real meat […]