As Hip Hop turns 50 this year, I think the time has come for a once popular subgenre to make its return

The Hip Hip culture was created in the Bronx in 1973 but as a concept, Hip Hop and more specifically Rap can be traced back hundreds of years in West Africa. Griots (prounced “gree-ots”) were storytellers, loremasters and the keepers of their peoples’ histories. While Europe and most of the Asian continent had developed their […]

8 Mile 20 Years Later has aged QUITE well

  Circa 2002, a then up and coming rapper named Eminem aka Slim Shady–real name Marshall Mathers–had solidified himself as an American Rap Icon. Ths movie tells a fictionalized story of his life getting into the Underground Hip Hop scene. The majority of the movie is a bit of a yawnfest–by design–as the real meat […]

New Edition: Born and Bred in Boston

  …Before there was New Kids on the Block, there was New Edition. Formed in 1978, the group was comprised of Bobby Brown, Michael Bivins, and Ricky Bell though they were later joined by Ralph Tresvant (lead singer) and then Ronnie DeVoe after they signed their first recording contractin 1981. The first song after signing? […]